Welcome to MAAP STARS
Celebrating students who excel in alternative education.

Unleash Your Potential with MAAP STARS
MAAP STARS is a comprehensive program designed to help you unlock your talents, develop your skills, and reach your full potential. With a team of experienced educators, administrators, and creatives, we provide the guidance and support you need to excel in your alternative school journey.
Get Involved with MAAP STARS
Learn. Make. Network. Compete. Excel.

Fall Leadership Conference
Join us for our annual Fall Leadership Conference to develop your leadership skills.
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Legislative Day
Advocatie for alternative education at our Legistlative Day Event
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The Alchemist
An art and literary magazine published and sponsored by MAAP .
Learn MoreElympics
Join other MAAP STARS for a fun one-day online competition.
Learn MoreThe Trophy Case
See project examples and previous award winners!
Learn MoreSpring Conference Information
Join us for our annual Spring Conference to learn, connect, and compete!
Learn MoreUpcoming MAAP STARS Events
Stay updated on the latest MAAP STARS events.

STARS Legislation Day

2025 STARS Spring Conference
Nominate someone today!
Nominate a deserving student or educator for
MAAP Student of the year, or
MAAP STARS Advisor of the Year

What the Heck is MAAP STARS?
Find answers to common questions about the MAAP STARS program, including eligibility, cost, and how to join.
The Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs (MAAP) began a student organization back in 1993 to recognize students who have chosen to fulfill their academic career in a different setting.
The organization’s name is MAAP STARS. STARS stands for Success, Teamwork, Achievement, Recognition and Self-esteem. Its vision is: Achieving extraordinary life changing results for learners throughout the world. The motto is: "We Make A Difference!"
For over 30+ years, MAAP STARS has been making a difference for students and their STARS Advisors. Each school/program can have a STARS Chapter. Some offer it as an elective class and students earn class credits for the work they complete. Others may run it like a vocational club. Many choose to have it be incorporated into the various course curriculum and offer credit through the different academic classes. There’s an annual membership fee that entitles schools to participate in the three state-wide events each year. Those events are: Fall Leadership Conference, Legislative Day at the State Capitol and the Spring Events Conference. MAAP also encourages the MAAP Regions to offer STARS events within their regions throughout the school year.
Still confused? Check out this explainer: What the Heck is MAAP STARS?
MAAP STARS holds three statewide events each year: The Fall Leadership Conference, Legislative Day, and the Spring Events Conference. Many of our MAAP regions and individual programs hold other STARS activities throughout the year.
There is an annual fee to become a member school to cover expenses. Once you've registered, watch the MAAP website and your email for updated billing information. Most mailings come out about 4 weeks prior to the event and are posted on the MAAP web site.
Registration deadlines are strictly enforced.
For a breakdown of costs, see the MAAP STARS Manual 24.25
The purpose of MAAP STARS is to support students across the state in developing employment, academic, and social skills.
MAAP STARS students get to:
• Experience career related activities that in turn assist students in making an informed
career choice.
• Build a cooperative and competitive spirit through individual and team activities and
• Strengthen social skills and build an appreciation for the responsibilities of citizenship, brotherhood, and the American free enterprise system.
• To develop self-confidence, increase motivation, and create a desire for and belief in life- long learning.
•Meet with, have fun with, and ultimately develop an appreciation for students and staff
from other alternative programs.
The easiest way to get started is to email our dedicated staff: MAAP STARS Committee Chair.
To nominate someone deserving of Advisor of the Year or Student of the Year, please fill out and return these forms to
MAAP STARS Advisor of the Year Nomination Form
MAAP Student of the Year Nomination Form